Strategic Actions for a Just Economy (SAJE)

place Los Angeles, California, USA


Saved on 7 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


SAJE builds community leadership and power for economic justice.

What We Do

SAJE focuses on healthy housing, tenant rights and equitable development. SAJE is guided by a vision that all people have a right to the city, and that we can build a movement for change that addresses the root causes and conditions of structural oppression, leading to the creation of a just economy. We envision a society where economic benefits and opportunities are equitably distributed, where communities are stable, and where workers and tenants have the same rights, stature, and decision-making power as corporations and property owners.


Cynthia S
Cynthia S.
Executive Director
Norma I
Norma I.
Director of Operations
Alexander F.
Research Associate