Deaf West Theatre Company, Inc.

place Porter Ranch, California, USA


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Founded in Los Angeles in 1991, Deaf West Theatre engages artists and audiences in unparalleled theater experiences inspired by Deaf culture and the expressive power of sign language. Committed to innovation, collaboration, and training, Deaf West Theatre is the artistic bridge between the deaf and hearing worlds.

What We Do

For 30 years DWT has produced award winning sign language theater from L.A. to Broadway (5 Tony noms).

DWT has conducted K-12 drama workshops culminating in performances.

DWT had a summer school professional training program for actors, and seeks to revive and expand that initiative to include film and new media.

Numerous productions and coproductions are in development for L.A. and Broadway (post-pandemic).

In the interim we are seeking to migrate some or all of our programming to online platforms in such a way that maintains the quality of our brand, and is as engaging for our Deaf and hearing artists and audiences.


David K.
Executive Director
Beverly N.
Volunteer manager
Julie O
Julie O.
Administrative Associate