Black Mothers' Breastfeeding Association

place Detroit, Michigan, USA


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Black Mothers's Breastfeeding Association (BMBFA) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. Our mission is to reduce racial inequities in breastfeeding support for black families.

What We Do

The Black Mothers' Breastfeeding Club(r) is a community-centered, mother-led breastfeeding group. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers come together for fellowship, sisterhood, parenting and breastfeeding support. Longstanding Clubs are located in Detroit, MI and Shreveport, LA.

The Community-based Doula Program is a nationally accredited home-visiting service that connects pregnant mothers of Detroit, MI with a community birth worker. Doulas support families with maternal care during pregnancy, labor & birth, early postpartum care, breastfeeding; and newborn care.

The Nationally Accredited Community-based Doula & Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Training Course specially trains women to provide peer-to-peer support during pregnancy, labor & birth, early postpartum, and breastfeeding; using HealthConnect One's nationally renowned curriculum.

Childbirth Education Class for pregnant mothers. Topics include; pregnancy, labor and delivery, infant care, postpartum care, family planning, etc.

Group Parenting Class for caregivers with a child under age one. Learn about the health and well-being of infants for the first year of life.

Onsite and Web-based Learning Sessions are professional development opportunities designed to provide culturally-appropriate and relevant strategies, information, applicable skills and action steps to agency employees that have an interest in breastfeeding support and maternal-child-health. Clients include government health departments, WIC agencies, hospitals, childcare centers, community-based organizations, conference planners, and for- and non-profit agencies.

An Annual National Conference that assembles a diverse group of professionals with an interest in maternal-infant-health. Conference attendees receive leading information on the most current practices, studies and models in clinical care, racial equity and public health that address the specific socio-cultural needs of birth and breastfeeding support for black families.

Expert Consultation on racial equity in birth and breastfeeding work. Consultations are provided for program development, private and public policy development, leadership development, action plans, health campaigns, etc. A few past work examples include:

The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding, 2011
State of Michigan Breastfeeding Plan, 2017-2019
Black Breastfeeding Week
Black Mothers' Breastfeeding Club Replication Model
Detroit Equity in Birth Outcomes, Member
Mommy-Friendly Detroit

BMBFA spearheads the Black Breastfeeding Caucus, a national group, its mission is to mobilize families, communities, and public/private institutions to create strategies, make decisions and implement action steps that result in equitable breastfeeding support for black families.

The BMBFA Mommy Ambassadors is a group of BMBFA Mommies working to influence and shape institutional, local, state and national policies and practices.

BMBFA co-leads Black Breastfeeding Week, a national public health campaign celebrating the black breastfeeding experience annually, August 25-31.


Kiddada  G
Kiddada G.
Kiddada G
Kiddada G.
Executive Director
MacKenzie C
MacKenzie C.
Program Associate